Square Shaped Wire

Square wire’s flat faces evenly distribute stress and help prevent wear from external forces, such as friction or abrasion. This makes it especially useful for applications that require superior durability under extreme conditions.

Square wire is an excellent choice for torsion and compression spring applications because of its greater cross sectional area when compared to round wire.

Square wire’s flat surfaces provide increased contact points between wires and assembly components, which enhances conductivity.

When increased flexibility or resilience to deformation and vibration are necessary, square shaped wire is an ideal choice. Its strength helps it resist bending or twisting, making it ideal for applications such as suspension and high torque clips.

Our Square Wire is available in all alloys and offered in these sizes:

  • From .015” square to .125” square

Note: Corner radii made to customer specifications

Industries Served

Square wire is very common in spring design and heavily used in the spring manufacturing industry for many applications across most industries.

The electronics industry relies on square wire’s superior conductivity. Because its flat surfaces create less resistance than round wire, it’s ideal for use in electrical components, like circuit boards and switches. It’s also used in high voltage systems and long-distance connections.